Incident reporting and response

As volatile substance use (VSU) can be a hidden activity, the extent of VSU occurring in any given location can be difficult to determine. A VSU Incident Reporting and Response system has been developed to assist local service providers to collect information about VSU incidents and ensure a timely and coordinated response.

The VSU Incident Reporting and Response protocols are an interagency agreement for responding to VSU incidents in a town or region. The protocols work best in conjunction with a local or regional interagency group of relevant stakeholders who have a role in responding to VSU issues. For more information, see the Developing a community response page of this website.

Using the VSU Incident Reporting and Response protocols, a range of actions can be implemented to respond to incidents of VSU as they arise. These may include referring individuals to the appropriate health or alcohol and other drug service, engaging with and providing support to family members, or informing and advising relevant stakeholders about the issue and forming a plan of action.

The VSU Incident Reporting and Response protocols are in place in all regions across WA, with the exception of the Perth Metropolitan area. To submit a VSU Incident Report, see the Working Groups in WA page of this website or see all VSU Incident Report forms below.

The VSU Incident Reporting and Response Protocols

The first step to responding to VSU is to collect information to build a picture about what is happening. Collecting information in a coordinated way can help monitor trends, identify triggers and prevent future use. Receiving detailed information about VSU incidents soon after they occur can also ensure that a quick and coordinated response can be implemented.

For more information about how the protocols work, see the following pages of this website:

For supporting materials to use the VSU Incident Reporting and Response system, see the Working Groups in WA page of this website and click on your region.

List of related resources laid out in a table.

Working together for a better future for at risk children and families: A guide on information sharing for government and non-government agencies

Department for Child Protection and Family Support. Provides guidance on information sharing, with or without consent, to assist agencies and individuals who work with at risk children, adults and families.

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2015 CPFS-1