Working Groups in WA

Strategies to address volatile substance use (VSU) are currently being implemented in a number of regions across WA. Local stakeholders in the East Kimberley, East Pilbara and the Goldfields regions have developed strategic plans and have been working collaboratively to implement a range of actions and initiatives to reduce VSU in their communities. There are also other town-based strategies in place in some regions.

For more information, click on the regions in the map below to see what is happening in your area to address VSU. 

For more information

For information or support to develop a Volatile Substance Use (VSU) Working Group to address VSU issues in your region, please contact the Volatile Substances Program at the Mental Health Commission.

If your community has developed a local strategy to address VSU and you would like to add your information to this page, please contact the Volatile Substances Program at the Mental Health Commission.